The C. O. W. S. Roxanna Asgarian's We Were Once A Family Part 3 "Playing The Food Card" 🍽️ #DelectableNegro

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the third study session on Roxanna Asgarian's We Were Once A Family: A Story of Love, Death, & Child Removal in America. Gus has been asking listeners to locate the "love" in this narrative. Maybe you can help us locate the "family" in all this too. We're six chapters into the disgraceful mass murder of 6 "adopted" non-white children by two lesbian White Women. Half of these children - including Devonte Hart - were abducted from the state of Texas. In the two weeks that we've been reading this book, the Texas Child Welfare system has been fined and charged with wanton neglect - including 49 children dying while in foster care over the past 4 years. Gus suspects most of those 49 fatalities were non-white children. Last week, Asgarian detailed the years of "controversy" surrounding "transracial adoption." The White author does not make it explicit that this term means: White people taking black children. Dorothy Roberts told us that the System of White Supremacy and child welfare has made it easy for White people to nab whatever discarded children they want - which mostly means a preference for White babies. We also read about the money the state of Texas makes from shipping foster children off to White parents across the US. When White parents like the murdering Harts get these children, they're generally is not high level oversight - if any. Years before these White Women killed 6 non-white children, they were repeatedly accused of abusing and starving children. Sarah Hart was actually convicted of child abuse in Minnesota, but faced no serious consequences. Like Master Deceivers, they lied to authorities, the allegations were repeatedly "unsubstantiated" and closed, while the non-white children remained hungry, in danger. #FamilyAnnihilator #WhiteWelfareQueens #TheCOWS15Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#