The C. O. W. S. w/ Dr. Alon Milwicki: Religion of White Supremacy #LightsOut
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Dr. Alon Milwicki. An expert on white supremacy, Neo-Nazism, and systemic racism in American History, Dr. Milwicki’s focus on the origins and proliferation of the Christian Identity Movement and religious justifications for discrimination and domestic violent extremism. He currently works for the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization dominated by White people that's widely acknowledged for allegedly working against Racism. Non-white SPLC employees have accused White workers of practicing Racism within in the organization and mistreating non-white staff. Dr.Milwicki previously worked as an associate professor at the University of Texas A&M. We’ll review his nifty report, Baptizing Nazism An Analysis of the Religious Roots of American Neo-Nazism - which explores the history and context of the religion of White Supremacy. We’ll be sure to ask Dr. Milwicki about the recent and suspicious attacks on electrical grids in numerous US states. This specific act of terrorism is explicitly detailed in Dr. William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries - a “bible” for many White Supremacists of the past 25 years. Pay close attention to Dr. Milwicki's definition of White Supremacy/Racism. He said Gus's definition is not accurate. This White Man stressed that Racism is different from White Supremacy and that everyone can practice "racism." He provided a stunning illustration of when a non-white student allegedly practice racism against him as an instructor. Pay close attention to the use of the word "jew." #EricRudolph #WhiteGeneticAnnihilation #TheCOWS13 INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE 564943#