The C. O. W. S. w/ Dr. Angelyn Spaulding Flowers: School Shootings, White Males & White Gun Culture

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Dr. Angelyn Spaulding Flowers. A professor and coordinator of the Crime, Justice, and Security Studies Program at the University of the District of Columbia, Dr. Flowers is classified as a black female. She's one of the few black researchers who's written about the US scourge of mass school shootings. We'll discuss her 2021 publication, 20 Years of School Based Mass Shootings in the United States, Columbine to Santa Fe. The book uses Columbine as a "launch point" for examining the evolution, scope, and characteristics of mass school shootings. The research details what qualifies as a "mass school shooting" and evidence based patterns of these massacres. One of the main points is that Columbine-style school shootings are almost exclusively carried out by White males. Our normal Racist patterns of thinking - associating black males with crime, will fail us in solving this problem. Another important point, is that the killing of school children is more likely to happen when White gunmen have assault weapons. This is a legacy of the 1999 Columbine slaughter, subsequent school shooters are far more likely to use heavier, more deadly artillery when hunting students. We even pondered why black males do not engage in this behavior to seek vengeance against Racist White teachers and administrators who've wrongly disciplined and failed them. #WhiteBoysWithGuns #SayAPrayerForTheYouthOfAmerica #TheGreatEqualizer #TheCOWS14Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#