The C. O. W. S. w/ Dr. Lorna Durrant: White Fathers and Their Non-White Offspring #Biracial #Jamaica

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Dr. Lorna Durrant. The Assistant Professor in the School of Education and the Program Lead for the Child and Family Studies degree at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga, Dr. Durrant’s research agenda includes "interracial" families, parent-child relationships, parenting education, and racial socialization. Born in St. Catherine's, Jamaica, we'll hear about her black parents's struggles with diabetes - which led to her father, Derrick Durrant, dying at the age of 56. #BlackMalePrivilege We'll discuss her fascinating research on White Fathers with non-white offspring and their alleged concerns about how their offspring will be mistreated in the System of White Supremacy. Dr. Durrant said she was motivated to explore this topic after seeing a Yahoo report with a White dad discussing his laments for his non-white son. We'll discuss the confusion around the term "biracial" and the history of White people raping black females and males. Dr. Durrant gave a riveting explanation as to why she thinks people classified as White are more informed about White Supremacy/Racism. This led us both to re-think why a White father would be wishing for and lamenting the lack of resources for White dads with non-white children. White people display plenty initiative for practicing Racism and a wealth of other non-constructive activities. Why is it so hard for them to invest time creating resources to help their non-white children? The infamous 1967 Loving Supreme court case was mentioned also. Just as Dr. Durrant was exiting the program, Gus was physically assaulted by a random black male stranger while we were still live on air. Gus contacted security following the broadcast and made a police report. This is the second consecutive week Gus has been verbally or physically attacked during a live program. #TheCOWS13 INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE 564943# #Interracial