The C. O. W. S. w/ Emily Flitter (Racist Suspect): The White Wall (or) How Whites Financially Rape Black People
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble

The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Emily Flitter. A White Woman (Racist Suspect), New York Times journalist, Flitter covers banking and Wall Street in her highly acclaimed, well followed column. She began receiving individual reports about black people alleging mistreatment from White banking employees. Flitter launched an investigation into how the System of White Supremacy works in the area of economics. Her book, The White Wall: How Big Finance Bankrupts Black America, investigates the many ways that Whites financially rape and ruin black people. One of the key aspects of the book is how Whites deliberately withhold information from non-white people. Flitter presents this repeatedly and in a variety of different circumstances. White insurance appraisers have extraordinary discretion about which claims they pay, the criterion they use for determining payouts, and what information they divulge to the public. This often applies when black employees allege they are being mistreated by a financial institution. Private settlements frequently include non-disclosure agreements. In fact, Flitter documents how a number of companies begin destroying evidence before they initiate punitive action against black workers. Flitter, like most Whites, was very resistant to logically conclude and publicly acknowledge that she and other White people are more informed about White Supremacy/Racism. Even though her book kicks off with a Yale study that details that black people grossly underestimate the economic power Whites wield over our lives. #RacistBanksters #WhitePeopleLie INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE 564943#