The C. O. W. S. w/ Jack A. Draper III: White Supremacy in Brazilian Soccer #Crespo #Moleque
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Professor Jack A. Draper III An associate professor of Portuguese at the University of Missouri, Professor Draper was born in the Philippines but grew up in sunny California. He developed an interest in Brazilian poetry and popular music before teaching about the country's history. We'll discuss his English translation of Mário Filho's The Black Man in Brazilian Soccer, originally published in 1947. We just read this text in the Katherine Massey Book Club. Gus thought based on it's contents, this book's correct title is: Moleque's with Kinky Hair in Brazilian Soccer. Professor Draper detailed the racist meaning of this term and his logic for translating this to "street urchin." We also discuss the homoerotic elements of the book - which include many passages of the White author describing muscular, sweaty black thighs and "kinky" negro hair. Professor Draper also deconstructed the term "crespo" - which is translated to "kinky" in the book. Gus thinks this term may also be similar to the way "nappy" is used in the states. We even made time to discuss the smash hit of carnival, "O Teu Cabelo Não Nega" (You Hair Does Not Deny It), and the recent spike in mass school killings in Brazil. Some of these attacks are linked to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's 1999 Columbine slaughter. #NoSinSouthOfTheEquator #TheCOWS14Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#