The C. O. W. S. Why Gus T. Hates Talking to Non-white People? We're Antiblack, Uncodified, & Confused

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy host Gus T. Renegade shares his views after thirteen years of attempted counter-racist broadcasting. For duration of this time on the air, and with strict enforcement the past two years, Gus has always preferred speaking to individuals classified as White. Neely Fuller Jr.'s code book offers questions and suggestions for talking to Suspected Racists - the experts on White Supremacy. Our most recent broadcast with Dr. Shawn Lay is a marvelous illustration of why Gus T. loathes speaking with other Victims of Racism. With a self-professed "expert" White man on the broadcast, non-white listeners interrupted Gus T. and the White guests. Then a non-white listener dialed in with zero questions for Dr. Lay, who admitted to being in a #TragicArrangement He chastised Gus for not employing "sweetness" with White guests and accused me of sitting in the "seat of privilege." #Metaphors This spectator made it clear that he did not love his black brother Gus, he announced that he "identifies" with The Man. Featuring commentary from the late Pamela Evans Harris, Deactivate The White Chip, former C.O.W.S. co-host Justice, and preeminent Critical Race Scholar Chris Rock. #Cowardly #Codification #WhiteIdentified #TheCOWS13 INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE: 564943#