The C.O.W.S. Alice Sebold's LUCKY Part 3 #AnthonyBroadwater #BlackMaleRapist

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy hosts the third study session on Alice Sebold's LUCKY. Sebold is a White Woman and celebrated author of fiction. Incidentally, Sebold has penned other best selling books about rape. LUCKY was published in 1999 and reportedly details the trauma of Sebold being raped by a black male in Syracuse, New York. Anthony Broadwater steadfastly maintained his innocence. However, Sebold selected him as her attacker, and Broadwater was convicted. Apparently, he was punished for not admitting that he raped Sebold. Broadwater served 16 years for the crime, before being exonerated. Sebold offered a lame apology, and plans to transform LUCKY into a major motion picture have been canceled. During last week's session, Sebold described going through west Philadelphia to retrieve her sister from U Penn. They passed a group of black males, and her father branded them a pack of animals. She later brands his behavior "ignorant." During the same trip, Sebold described male Penn students who drank underage and raped coeds. These young heathens were not classified as White nor were they branded animals. She later details how the White church leader's child consumed alcohol at 15, drugs, and robbed and stabbed an elderly woman. Sebold does not identify him as White either. #BlackMaleRapist INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE: 564943#