The C.O.W.S. Alice Sebold's LUCKY Part 5 #AnthonyBroadwater #BlackMaleRapist #SuperFreak
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Context of White Supremacy hosts the fifth study session on Alice Sebold's LUCKY. Sebold is a White Woman and celebrated author of fiction. Incidentally, Sebold has penned other best selling books about rape. LUCKY was published in 1999 and reportedly details the trauma of Sebold being raped by a black male in Syracuse, New York. Anthony Broadwater steadfastly maintained his innocence. However, Sebold selected him as her attacker, and Broadwater was convicted. Apparently, he was punished for not admitting that he raped Sebold. Broadwater served 16 years for the crime, before being exonerated. Sebold offered a lame apology, and plans to transform LUCKY into a major motion picture have been canceled. During last week's session, Sebold talked about a White Man she admires because of his reckless sexual behavior - which includes having intercourse with married women. This "innocent," "chaste," "good girl" snorts heroin, drinks alcohol underage, and has a crush on a White man who boasts about being sexually abused when he was 14 years old. Sebold does not identitfy Anthony Broadwater at the police lineup. However, the White enforcement officers and attorney concoct a theory that Broadwater had his similar looking black male friend join the lineup. This "dead ringer" psyched out Sebold by making dastardly faces while Broadwater looked at the floor defeated and bewildered. Broadwater's attorney does not contest the police identification - which had devastating consequences for Broadwater. The FBI's psuedoscientific bull sh#$ was used to insist that Broadwater's "negroid" pubic hairs were a perfect match for those recovered from Sebold the night of the rape. #BlackMaleRapist INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE: 564943#