The C.O.W.S. Compensatory Call-In 03/20/21 #SpringIntoCounterRacism

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy hosts The Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly Compensatory Call-In. We encourage non-white listeners to dial in with their codified concepts, new terms, observations, research findings, workplace problems or triumphs, and/or suggestions on how best to Replace White Supremacy With Justice ASAP. We’ll use these sessions to hone our use of words as tools to reveal truth, neutralize White people. We’ll examine news reports from the past seven days and – hopefully – promote a constructive dialog. #ANTIBLACKNESS In the midst of ongoing reports of violence against people classified as asian, a 21-year old White Terrorist, Robert Aaron Long, killed 8 people in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area on Wednesday. Six of the eight fatally wounded people are reportedly asian females, while the other two are classified as White. Long insists he did not commit an act of White Supremacy, but, rather, was striking out at massage parlors because of his "sexual addiction." Long's terrorist attack distracted from jury selection in the Derek Chauvin case. The White officer is being tried for killing George Floyd in 2020. 12 jurors have been selected, and half of them are White. #WhiteTerrorism INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE: 564943#