The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the third study session on Neil Postman's Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk: How We Defeat Ourselves By the Way We Talk and What to Do About It. Postman is a Racist Suspect, who authored a number of stnadout texts, including: Amusing Ourselves To Death; Teaching as a Subversive Activity; and How to Watch TV News. A prolific author, Postman wrote 18 books, was a professor of media ecology at New York University, and delivered astute analysis of technology and the use of words. Students of counter-racism understand the primary weapon of Racists is the incorrect and deceptive use of words. We'll keep this in mind while studying Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk. Last week's session allowed Postman to explain what qualifies as "crazy talk" and how that's different from "stupid talk." Post classified the latter as individual fallacy or ignorance, whereas "crazy talk" represents a large number of people verbalizing support of and commitment to incorrect or unjust goals. Speech supporting White Supremacy would be defined as "crazy talk" according to Postman. The text also stressed how metaphors often conceal multiple concepts or messages that influence our thinking and behavior. Critically, Postman explained that words are a critical component of our thinking. Those who create and refine vocabularies exert extraordinary power over people. If this text is useful, non-white listeners will gain tools to help identify deceptive speech in others and skills to minimize our own "crazy" or "stupid" talk. #AnswersForMiriamCarey INVEST in The COWS - CALL IN NUMBER: 641.715.3640 CODE 564943#