The C.O.W.S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 08/16/18

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Context of White Supremacy hosts our Thursday weekly forum on neutralizing Workplace Racism. This broadcast is specifically constructed to improve non-white people's problem-solving skills and refine how black people think, speak, act and manage emotions while at work. Any listeners who've pieced together an effective code to eliminate conflicts with White and/or non-white co-workers, bypass demotions, write-ups, terminations or other forms of violence we experience under Racist work conditions should be first to call in with particulars. We appreciate the chance to learn about the experiences of "black entrepreneurs." Please, share with us how being "self employed" improves your labor experience. We'll return to the Harvard Business Review for an interesting segment on the importance of asking questions in the workplace. Counter-racist logic promotes asking questions, even though some black workers have reported being rebuked for seeking answers. We'll also re-visit what stymies us from habitually applying our counter-racist code at work. More often than not, failure to apply counter-racist logic results in easily avoidable difficulties. Gus suggests that Victims of Racism makes notes about important workplace events. Documenting your thoughts and workplace occurrences is more reliable than memory, and the act of writing can organize your thinking. We'll also ask that non-white listeners share crucial portions of the policy and procedure from your current place of employment. INVEST in The COWS - CALL IN NUMBER: 641.715.3640 CODE 564943#