Episode 104-Elaine Heyworth A long term intermittent fasters success story losing over 55 pounds -25Kg.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Elaine Heyworth – Bio I’m Elaine Heyworth, 55 years of age, married with two grown-up daughters – 20, and 22. I started intermittent fasting in September 2019, the day I left my youngest daughter at university – and came home to an empty nest. My weight was 221lbs. All my life I had been overweight. Thirty years ago I joined Weight Watchers, and lost four stone (56lbs) in six months. Six months later I started putting it back on again. Then I met my husband to be (Julian), and we settled into what I call our “contentment lifestyle” – food seemed to celebrate the great things going on, and cheered up the horrible things that happen. That 56lbs soon came back, with reinforcements. Then came children, and I put on a stone (14lbs) with each child (which wasn’t much, according to my doctor), but that meant two more stones where I didn’t need them! I was always pretty sensible about my dieting life – I didn’t do diets that demonised food. My two favourite diets were Weight Watchers and Slimming World – both plans allowed you eat all the foods, with their own brand of compensation for ‘treating’ yourself. You know, even thirty years later, I still weigh 75g of rice or pasta before I cook it – my top tip from Weight Watchers – so I think I learned some useful stuff there. IF has been a revelation to me. I started with 16:8, and lost 12lbs in the first three weeks – I know how lucky I was. Then I tried 18:6 for a couple of weeks, then found my sweet spot at 19:5, where I lost another 30lbs. COVID was a game changer – once I was working from home, within five steps of my kitchen, I had to change to 20:4, because food was too easy to find. Lost my final 14lbs between March and June of 2020 and hit my goal of 165lbs at the end of June 2020. So exciting!!!! My husband and daughters have been very supportive, although I do sometimes hear ‘don’t lose any more weight Mum!!”, I know it’s said with love in their hearts. Elaine News. My book about my own story The Fasting Highway is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle. For Australian and New Zealand residents, you can buy the book direct from me at www.thefastinghighway.com. For the rest of the world Amazon is your best option. You can follow me on Instagram at graemecurrie_63 or join The Fasting Highway Facebook Group. Enjoy The Show Graeme. Disclaimer all views expressed in this podcast episode are those of the guest and host. No part of this podcast should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical professional before commencing any health plan.