Episode 146 Rindi and Kevin Trainer, a couple who fast together that have had spectacular results. A combined weight loss of 68 Kg (150 pounds) in 11 months.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Kevin and Rindi Trainer have been married for almost 37 years and live in the great state of Texas in the United States. They have raised two children who are now adults, and they became grandparents in August of 2022 to a sweet baby boy. To back up a bit, in March of 2020. Rindi went for her yearly physical and was not completely surprised to find out she was pre-diabetic. Her weight was up, blood pressure was up, she just knew she wasn’t in a good, healthy place. Family history of losing her mom and maternal grandmother to diabetes in their 50s motivated her to start researching changes. That led her down the Keto/Low Carb rabbit trail, but she decided Keto was too restrictive and low carb was going to be challenging enough. Nothing really changed until after a July 2020 vacation to South Dakota and looking at the pictures reminded her that she really needed to make a change. In August 2020, Rindi shared with her husband, Kevin, that she was going to be making some changes and he could join her in the journey or not. They had both tried and lost weight on Weight Watchers before and calorie counting, and Kevin had even done an all-liquid diet at one time. He lost weight but gained it back when he started eating food again. Kevin has struggled with weight issues since he was about 13 years old, and in 2020 he was 59 years old at that time. Their health journey initially started with just a low carb diet, cutting out things like bread, chips, tortillas, sugary things, but quickly introduced intermittent fasting. Initially, they worked on keeping total carbs below 100 grams per day and fasting 12-14 hours per day. A few months in and they had lowered total carbs to about 50 per day and were regularly fasting about 16 hours per day. Unfortunately, they had not heard about clean fasting yet, so they were definitely not doing that. Between August of 2020 and July of 2021, they lost a combined total of about 150 pounds. Rindi losing 40 and Kevin losing 110. From July 2021 to present, they haven’t lost any more weight, but their bodies continue to experience recomposition and their clothing sizes have changed without any weight loss happening. They are more active and have more energy now than they did ten years ago. Fasting is definitely the plan for the rest of their lives and Rindi is no longer pre-diabetic. The Fasting Highway News How you can support the podcast and be part of bringing great stories to life. If you enjoy these episodes and want to help to get it out to the world, please join our patreon community. Without the help from our patrons to bring you the podcast each week it won't be sustainable to keep doing them. So please, if you enjoy them become a patron of the podcast. For details on the two levels of support you can give to help the podcast continue please go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The Fasting Highway | Intermittent Fasting Podcast & Community | Patreon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ You can win a mentoring prize get exclusive early access to the podcasts and get access to the fasting highway audio book. Plus, bonus content and a monthly online coffee catch up by zoom along with bonus episodes and webinars for our top tier patrons. Please consider this as its vital we get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week and continue into the future. Graeme is now available to have a private one on one coaching and mentoring session with you. He can help you with those burning questions. How to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. www.thefastinghighway.com Disclaimer-Nothing you hear on the podcast should be taken as medical advice. All views expressed are those of the guest and host.