Episode 165 Michelle Montone- She is fast and fabulous, an inspirational intermittent fasting journey. We check back in with Michelle (episode 41) where is she now.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

My story- I am a 41-year-old mom of 2 boys (ages 5&8) and wife to my wonderful husband for 10 years. We live in Lake Mary, FL (suburb of Orlando). I am a full-time stay-at-home mom for the last 4 years, formerly a paralegal (for 15yrs) and most recently a podcaster & fasting coach! I started yo-yo dieting around age 16. Since then, I have struggled with my weight. In college, instead of the “freshman 15” I gained about 40lbs…. when I graduated, I lost it by working out 6 days a week, calorie counting and depriving myself constantly. I didn’t eat meat, carbs, sugar and honestly was miserable. I maintained (not so effortlessly) a healthy weight for about 4 years until I got married at age 30. This is when the weight started to pile on. I finally found comfort in a man that loved me for me, the comfort of marriage set in and before I knew it, I put on about 20lbs. Then I became pregnant with our first son in 2014 and gained a good 60lbs, lost it all rather quickly after giving birth but this time by joining a weight loss MLM (so embarrassed of this!) and using supplements and body wraps…hundreds of dollars a month to sustain and I lost only around 10lbs over the next THREE years! Fast forward to 2016-17 – I was pregnant now with my second son. I was gaining just like the first time but at 28 weeks was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Due to having to have an extremely strict diet to control my blood sugar, I didn’t end up gaining as much. It was what came in the next 2 years that was the worst. Fast forward to January 2020...I’m getting my hair done and overhear the client next to me chatting about how she lost 30lbs doing IF. I went home that day and began researching. A friend of mine invited me to your Delay Don’t Deny FB support group where I lingered for about a week before deciding to start 1/24/20 and have been clean fasting every day since. About a week into my journey, I ordered Delay, Don’t Deny and read it in about an hour – this book would completely change my life (followed by Feast Without Fear, Fast Feast Repeat and Cleanish!). I’ve lost 50lbs meeting my original goal of 140lbs in late October 2020 and have been maintaining now for over 2 years bouncing between 135-140. Almost every single health issue I had before, gone now. The Fasting Highway News How you can support the podcast and be part of bringing great stories to life. If you enjoy these episodes and want to help to get it out to the world, please join our patreon community. Without the help from our patrons to bring you the podcast each week it won't be sustainable to keep doing them. So please, if you enjoy them become a patron of the podcast. For details on the two levels of support you can give to help the podcast continue please go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The Fasting Highway | Intermittent Fasting Podcast & Community | Patreon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ You can win a mentoring prize get exclusive early access to the podcasts and get access to the fasting highway audio book. Plus, bonus content and a monthly online coffee catch up by zoom along with bonus episodes and webinars for our top tier patrons. Please consider this as its vital we get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week and continue into the future. Graeme is now available to have a private one on one coaching and mentoring session with you. He can help you with those burning questions. How to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. www.thefastinghighway.com Disclaimer-Nothing you hear on the podcast should be taken as medical advice. All views expressed are those of the guest and host.