Episode 192 Karen Coleman-Ostrov A 63-year-old lifelong dieter finally finds freedom and the joy of living an intermittent fasting lifestyle.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Karen is 63 years old and has tried just about every diet you can think of – The Scarsdale Diet, Atkins and keto diets, Weight Watchers, Noom, cabbage soup, Healthy Inspirations, grapefruit diet, Whole30, Slim-Fast, South Beach, Green Smoothie Diet, Nutrisystem, hCG – if one has heard of it, Karen probably was on it.   Some of these diets brought Karen temporary success, and others caused her to gain weight or slow her metabolism.  None of them were sustainable, and the weight always crept back. One day in the summer of 2020, Karen was perusing Facebook and saw a photo of her sister-in-law, Dedra Campbell.  Karen thought Dedra had posted a “Throwback Thursday” photo, as her sister-in-law looked young, slim, and glowing.  Karen was shocked to learn the photo was recent, so she immediately called her sister-in-law to find out what she did to lose weight and, seemingly, age backwards.  Dedra told her the secret was Intermittent Fasting, which brought up negative thoughts and feelings in Karen.  However, with her sister-in-law’s encouragement, she listened to the basics of the program and bought the book she recommended, “Fast.Feast.Repeat.” by Gin Stephens.  Karen read the book and said she would try it for one day to see how it went.  On August 13, 2020, Karen did an 18/6 fast. When Karen spoke to Dedra about her “trial”, she said it went well and that she would “Start on Monday”.  Dedra encouraged Karen to start right away – after all, she’d just completed her first day of fasting.  Karen agreed and continued fasting with 18/6 since then and has never looked back.  Karen has been faithfully fasting every day since her “trial”. Karen is 5’5”, and her highest weight ever was 208 pounds.  At that weight, she could not bend over to tie her shoes and was always out of breath.  Karen’s IF starting weight was 175.4 pounds, and she set her goal weight at 160 pounds (because she didn’t think at her age, she could get below that number without struggling).  On July 3, 2023, Karen weighed 149 pounds, a weight she hadn’t seen in almost 20 years.  The best thing – there was no struggle.  Yes, it did take nearly three years to lose the weight, but Karen is a Type II Diabetic and has insulin resistance and is menopausal.  While Karen didn’t experience the rapid weight loss that some people are fortunate enough to experience with IF, Karen trusted the process and kept going, sharing NSVs all the time. Intermittent fasting changed Karen’s life and it’s a lifestyle she will stay with forever, as it’s effortless for her. The Fasting Highway News THE AUDIOBOOK IS HERE!!! I am excited to share that the audiobook for The Fasting Highway is now here and available on Apple Books, Tunes, Spotify, Kobo, and Audiobooks.com. Hooplah, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million -BAM and many more platforms. It is not yet available on Audible. Our Patreon Supporters Community You can win a mentoring prize, get exclusive early access to the podcasts, and access to the Fasting Highway audiobook at the top tier level. Plus, bonus content and bi-monthly online coffee catch-up via Zoom for our patrons hosted by myself to support your fasting journey. Please consider this, as we must get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week commercial-free. Please go to www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway to see the benefits you get back and how to join from 0.17 cents pr 0.33 cents per day, the cost of a Grand Latte a month! Private coaching by Graeme. Graeme is now available for private one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions with you. He can help you with those burning questions about how to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme, who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. To book a time, go to the website and click Get help/coaching. www.thefastinghighway.com