Episode 196 -Neil and Suzi Shultz -A couple who fast together that found success together living an intermittent fasting lifestyle.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Hello, I am Neil Shultz, 58 years old. I never really had much to be concerned about regarding my weight until, while serving in the National Guard, I realised that my uniform is no longer fit.  This was around the year 2000. I went to my supply Sergeant's office to order a bigger uniform. My first introduction to IF was my wife doing a form of it and explaining it all to me. I wrote it off as just another diet. It wasn't until November 2020 that my sister sent me a message and said you gotta listen to this, she said she was hooked on it. A 20-minute interview with Dr Jason Fung on YouTube was the beginning of my life change.. From there, I read all i could on intermittent fasting.  I would say the beginning of fasting for me was rather reckless, I would do OMAD, a three-day fast, OMAD for a few days, a five-day fast, OMAD for a few days, a three-day fast, OMAD and on and on for quite some time until several months later I found that OMAD and clean fasting is the way to go. I now maintain my weight from an all-time high of between 210 to 220 pounds. Currently, I am maintaining 140 with up to a 5-pound variance. I gave up all sugar after listening to the Netta Gorman Podcast. for a considerable amount of time. Currently, my sugar intake is limited to a few times a month. My name is Susi Shultz; I am 55 years old, and I have always struggled with my weight, always knowing that I was different from my sister and cousin, who were both thin in elementary and high school. While in high school in the mid-80s I went on a “diet” which unknown to me was really intermittent fasting, I would eat only one meal a day.  My family and friends thought I was starving myself, but it worked!  I even joined the field hockey team!  After starting to eat 3 meals a day again I regained the weight.  I also hid food; in elementary and high school my family didn’t buy snacks or sugary cereals, but I would create my own sugary snacks.  I secretly would mix peanut butter and brown sugar and eat it.  I also would pour sugar on my cereal in the mornings.  Then , after having my son at age 21, I ballooned up bigger than ever and stayed that way until my son was 11 or 12.  I thought “This is it” and went on another “diet”. I then lost 100 pounds just by eating one hot dog and one potato a day, not realizing that what I was doing was intermittent fasting.  I thought I was “calorie counting”.  Again, the weight returned after going back to “regular” eating.  Then, in 2013, I had gastric sleeve surgery in which I lost 85 lbs., not realizing this was a form of fasting- at least for me.  After three years, the weight started returning; it was very disappointing and embarrassing because I was so proud of losing all the weight to see it creep back on.  Then, In 2021, my husband and I learned about intermittent fasting, and we jumped headfirst into the lifestyle with hope and enthusiasm.  There was something that promised so much for so little!  Learning about insulin, spikes, and how they affect weight gain more than calories was/is a game-changer for us!  It makes sense now how I lost weight those other times and ultimately gained back because I went back to “normal” eating.  Also, a couple of years after my sleeve surgery, I started drinking a lot of red wine; in 2019, my husband and I read “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace.  After reading this book, we never had another drink.  Also, thanks to the urging of Graeme Currie, with whom I booked a one-on-one coaching session, I now drink my coffee black; I never thought that would even be possible.  Because Graeme explained the importance of “clean fasting”, he made me realize how even something like cream could break a fast.  Now, I can’t even drink coffee with cream in my window; it makes me feel too full.  I am forever grateful to Graeme Currie and the fasting community for the support and help in maintaining a 75 lb. weight loss.