Episode 204 Kathryn Sternfels- The first six months living an intermittent fasting lifestyle. Using vision boards to set goals.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Bio By Kathryn Sternfels I am 65 yrs. old.  5’1”.  HW ever 250lbs.  SW 221 lbs. CW 196 lbs.  Loss of 25 lbs. since July 2023.  I cut my insulin level from a 15 to an 8 in 3 months.  On Dec. 13th, I’m having labs drawn, and I look forward to seeing the results and comparing them with last time. Cholesterol panel especially, as well as A1C. I am a retired registered nurse, and I was raised in the Northeast USA, in New England, in the State of Rhode Island. I am 5 years old. My dog Buddy and I moved to the coastal area of South Carolina. My weight started going up following my divorce, which was in 1991. I did not see that coming, and with two very young daughters, it completely shattered my hopes & dreams.  I was suddenly in a life I didn’t recognize and never thought I’d be in.  I admit I didn’t handle it well.  Eventually, I settled into the 230-235 lbs. and stayed there for decades.  I used food to take my emotional pain and to shield myself from the world. In 2019, I attended the wedding of my cousin Lisa’s daughter.  We don’t get to see each other much in person, and I couldn’t believe how GREAT Lisa looked. Of course, I asked, and she said “intermittent fasting,” to which I was inertly horrified at hearing this and thought “, Oh! No way in hell would I even CONSIDER such a thing like that?  Who would DO that???”.  I felt that because I realised that I had always thought I knew what I was doing all my life.  Ha!  THAT joke was on me. During the following three years or so, I “dabbled” in IF.  I read/internet searched/you, tubed/podcasted Jason Fung, Gin Stephens, you and anyone else whose name I heard mentioned by these people.  Anything and everything I get my hands on to learn about IF and all the other health-related rabbit holes leads one down. I’ve taken part in the Zoe study, which was enlightening, and now I am entering my 2nd month of a 3-month subscription to Nutri and & am utilizing a CGM for the data. I am not diabetic. The Fasting Highway News THE AUDIOBOOK IS HERE!!! I am excited to share that the audiobook for The Fasting Highway is now here and available on Apple Books, Tunes, Spotify, Kobo, and Audiobooks.com. Hooplah, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million -BAM and many more platforms. It is not yet available on Audible. Our Patreon Supporters Community You can win a mentoring prize, get exclusive early access to the podcasts, and access to the Fasting Highway audiobook at the top tier level. Plus, bonus content and bi-monthly online coffee catch-ups via Zoom for our patrons will be hosted by me to support your fasting journey. Please consider this, as we must get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week commercial-free. Please go to www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway to see the benefits you get back and how to join from 0.17 cents pr 0.33 cents per day, the cost of a Grand Latte a month! Private coaching by Graeme. Graeme is now available for private one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions with you. He can help you with those burning questions about how to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme, who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. To book a time, go to the website and click Get help/coaching. www.thefastinghighway.com Disclaimer-Nothing in this podcast should be taken as medical advice. All content is the opinion of the host and guest only.