Episode 214 Julie Mansfield A long term intermittent faster shares how she made intermittent fasting a sustainable lifestyle finding great health

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

Jules is a 53 years old woman, married, with three beautiful children and living the dream in Western Australia (WA). Her passions, besides her vocation are, yoga, bush walking, going to the beach and reading. Jules is a family therapist for a not-for-profit women’s health organisation and dearly loves her work. Previously, she was a registered nurse; she trained and then worked in Victoria and the UK. She lived there for 15 years, and she met her lovely Englishmen. Jules had two of her children in the UK, and they all moved to her hometown in Victoria, where she had her third child in 2007. Then, they moved from Victoria to WA in 2010 due to hubby's work commitments. During Jules’s third pregnancy, in 2006, she developed gestational diabetes, which sparked off an intentional health journey. Having gestational diabetes meant she had to test fasting blood sugar levels all the time, just like a type 1 diabetic. And, since 2007 has needed to have fasting BSL’s annually and Fasting Glucose Tolerance Test every three years. Also, Jules’s grandmother had type 2 diabetes and unfortunately had to have one of her toes amputated and was on daily oral medication. So, with these two factors in Jule’s medical and family history, Jules was determined to avoid acquiring type 2 diabetes. Disappointingly, Jules was quite discouraged by GP’s saying each year, when she would go in to see them for the blood work results, that she would inevitably get it and there was nothing to be done to prevent it. Then, with a few changes in Jules’s health, well-being and significant life events, Jule’s blood results started to deteriorate, and she feared the worst. Then, thankfully, in 2018, Julie discovered a tool called Intermittent fasting; at the time, when she was going down the rabbit hole of YouTube lectures about sugar and insulin from Dr Robet Lustig at the University of California and then later came across the book The Diabetes Code, by Dr Jason Fung. This book, The Diabetes Code, changed her life forever, and not to mention saved her life. Before starting IF, Jules BSL’s were 6.8 mmol and rising, and now, after six years of IF, they average around 4.8 mmol. Jules has had to tweak her IF regime, flipping back and forth from OMAD to ADF over the six years when optimal blood results have begun to waiver. Jules's primary focus is balancing her hormones, even though she weighs daily. For those that like numbers, Jules is 175 cm tall and before IF weighed 86kg and now maintains between 76-78kg. Has gone from a dress size of 16 to 12. The Fasting Highway Our Patreon Supporters Community Please consider joining the Fasting Highway Patreon community. I strongly urge you to do so if you need more accountability and support for not a lot each month, as it is helping so many people to do that. It has become an excellent add-on to our patrons' IF lifestyle, who enjoy a lot of bonus content to support them living an IF life, and it supports me in getting the podcast out and running the Facebook group. For less than a cup of coffee a month, you can join and support your own health goals. Please go to www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway to see the benefits you get back and how to join. Private coaching by Graeme. Graeme is available on a limited basis for private one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions with you. He can help you with those burning questions about how to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. To book a time, go to the website and click Get help/coaching. www.thefastinghighway.com Graeme's book The Fasting Highway can be found at your local Amazon store in paperback and Kindle. Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast should be taken as medical advice. All content is the opinion of the host and guest only.