Episode 96 Marcy Lemasters Finding her way to "The Fasting Highway" a life long yo dieter's success with intermittent fasting.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

My name is Marcy Lemasters.  I’m from Middletown, Missouri where i live with my husband of 33 years. I have two adult boys age 31 and 21.  My dieting journey began basically from birth.  I jokingly say, “If anyone has an excuse to be overweight, It’s me.  I was born overweight.”  I weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz when I was born in 1969.  I’m the youngest of 4 children.  My mom was diabetic during her pregnancy with me and each child had just gotten bigger and bigger.  The first diet I ever remember being on was the summer of 1986, between my junior and senior years in high school.  I’m 5’4” and weighed 150 lbs then.  I got down to around 120 once I started college, by just eating frozen yogurt, granola bars and Diet Soda.  From then on, I was on a roller coaster of dieting my entire life.  I didn’t discover Intermittent Fasting until a few years ago.  I had fasted off and on before this, but only for religious reasons.  The most drastic was probably 19 years ago, when I fasted for 25 days and only ate one meal a day, which was a very small meal and I lost 25 pounds in 25 days.  After that I went right back to regular eating and my weight was up and down.  I tried Keto 3 times, for 3 months each time, but hated it.  167 pounds was the highest weight I got.  I counted calories and started running in January of 2015.  That got me down to 109 at my smallest.  Due to injuries, I could no longer run, so my weight crept back up to 162.  Since starting IF this year on June 10th, I’ve lost 21 lbs.  I’ve been plateaued for a month, but my entire attitude has changed and I plan to be IF for life.  I love it! News. My book about my own story The Fasting Highway is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle. For Australian and New Zealand residents, you can buy the book direct from me at www.thefastinghighway.com. For the rest of the world Amazon is your best option. You can follow me on Instagram at graemecurrie_63 or join The Fasting Highway Facebook Group. Thank you for listening to the podcast and for getting the book it helps to keep the podcast free from commercials. Enjoy The Show Graeme. Disclaimer all views expressed in this podcast episode are those of the guest and host. No part of this podcast should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical professional before commencing any health plan.