Episode 97 Lisa Davey Finding relief from Asthma while living an intermittent fasting lifestyle.

The Fasting Highway - A podcast by Graeme Currie - Sundays

My name is Lisa Davey. I am from Cedarville Ohio. My husband & I have 2 grown adult sons 34 & 29. We have been blessed with 2 beautiful daughter in law's and our first grandson. I own my own small business. I handcraft organic & vegan bath and body products. I am 56 years old, prior to my 40's my weight management journey was very good. I have always been a very active person and work out 6 days a week for as long as I can remember. Once I hit my forties things began to change and my weight started to creep up. A friend invited me to join Weight Watcher's in 2004. I thought it couldn't hurt so why not. I was successful in loosing 20 pounds with the program and kept the weight off until 2017. It was then that I had my fill of counting points with their program and writing down everything I ate. Years of that kind of dieting took its toll on me as far as enjoying the lifestyle and my mindset. It was a daily chore to constantly figure out what I was going to eat. I gave up Weight Watcher's and continued to exercise and eat as healthy as possible. As I entered my 50's everything changed once again. Menopause hit and one more time the weight began to creep on. It was in 2011 that I was diagnosed with Asthma. I then began my journey into finding out what the triggers were when I had frequent asthma attacks. I was put on twice daily prescribed medicine. I kept thinking there has to be a natural way to reduce symptoms or rid them all together. Fast forward to March 2021. I was researching ways to help asthma. I stumbled across intermittent fasting. There were a few examples of IF helping reduce inflammation in the lungs and asthma symptoms. I decided to give it a try. I started out 16/8 although not clean fasting and after a few weeks went to 18/6 and then on to 20/4. During the first few weeks I came across Gin Stephens book Fast Feast Repeat and read about clean fasting. That was a game changer for me. My protocol varies from day to day and my body responds well. I have reduced my asthma medication by almost 100%. I have experienced many NSV's along with an 18 pound weight loss and an exciting body recomposition. I am not sure if I have decided I am at goal. I'm giving it a little more time to see what my body will do. While listening to Gin's podcast I heard Graeme's interview and immediately joined the fb group. There is something about Graeme that drew me in. I heard him mention his book "The Fasting Highway" on this podcast. I ordered it and have read it through twice with more rereads to come. It was Graeme's book that gave me the final push and realized IF is more than just weight loss Lisa News. My book about my own story The Fasting Highway is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle. For Australian and New Zealand residents, you can buy the book direct from me at www.thefastinghighway.com. For the rest of the world Amazon is your best option. You can follow me on Instagram at graemecurrie_63 or join The Fasting Highway Facebook Group. Thank you for listening to the podcast and for getting the book it helps to keep the podcast free from commercials. Enjoy The Show Graeme. Disclaimer all views expressed in this podcast episode are those of the guest and host. No part of this podcast should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical professional before commencing any health plan.