036: Battery: Training for Weightlifting Tests in CrossFit

The Fitness Movement: Training | Programming | Competing - A podcast by Ben Wise: Coach, CrossFit Athlete, ZOAR Fitness Owner

In CrossFit, you typically only "earn the right" to Snatch or Clean & Jerk heavy mid-workout or after a MetCon. So, let's develop your capacity for battery!Listen with Show Notes: https://zoarfitness.com/podcast/036/Get Pro [Upgrade Your Fitness Knowledge]: https://zoarfitness.com/pro/The Protocol [Weekly Programming]: https://zoarfitness.com/theprotocol/1-on-1 Remote Coaching: https://www.zoarfitness.com/coach/Movement Breakdowns: https://www.zoarfitness.com/movements/Gymnastics De...