Ep 11: Jeffrey Star & Morphe | 100Thieves & Neekolul | Shane Dawson & Sanders Kennedy
Elopements with The Pinckards - A podcast by The Pinckards

Jeffrey Star Canceled for racism Jackie Aina boycotts Morphe Morphe announces that they are ceasing all commercial work with Jeffrey Star Huge financial impact on Jeffrey Star's business Should "cancel culture" be going after companies like Morphe, who sponsor influencers who are being cancelled? 100Thieves and Neekolul100Thieves signs Neekolul 100Thieves is a gaming organization, but Neekolul is just a content creator Is this the start of a trend where companies will just start signing as many new creators as possible? Red Bull has already signed a Twitch streamer Shane DawsonSanders Kennedy makes up a story about Shane Dawson being investigated by the police He called the police department and then twisted / fabricated their response into something completely false This is what makes "cancel culture" so dangerous - people will stop at nothing to get views online Sanders Kennedy is still gaining followers, despite it being a complete lie