Episode 6: If Productivity is the goal, Sleep is the answer with Risa Gabrielle

The Mindful Business - A podcast by Laila Datoo


Have you accepted that you'll never have a great night's sleep? Do you think resting during the day is a guilty pleasure you don't have time to indulge in? Do you think good sleep has no place in the workplace? If so, then you need to listen in to this episode! I talk about the power of good sleep with my good friend Risa Gabrielle. Risa is a certified sleep therapist, clarity coach and yoga teacher. Her passion is empowering people to create sustainable changes, whether it's improving your sleep, getting your body to move with more ease and less pain, or figuring out how to create a life you love. She comes to her sleep therapy work from a place of personal experience, having suffered with major sleep problems for years. Now her sleep has been completely transformed, and she loves nothing more than helping others to achieve quality sleep. She believes that sleep is our birthright, the most natural thing we can, and that you don’t have to suffer being tired all the time. Risa’s approach is down-to-Earth, intuitive and practical. Most of all, it's about long-lasting solutions over quick fixes.  In this episode you'll learn: - The obvious things you don’t know about sleep - Why understanding your sleep rhythm can literally change your life - Why you don't have to put up with crap sleep - How workplace culture is so connected to sleep - How the modern world doesn't support us to have good sleep - How sleep relates back to our mental, physical and emotional health - How sleep issues can literally ruin your life but the good news is they can be fixed! Notes Book recommendation: Matthew Walker's 'Why We Sleep' Yoga pose: Legs Up the Wall Work with Risa: Risa sees sleep therapy clients on a one-to-one basis, teaches sleep workshops and does talks for corporate clients. She is also launching two online sleep courses this year so you can improve your sleep no matter where you are. Email [email protected] to find out more info and get on the waiting list for the upcoming sleep courses.  To find out more about Risa's work you can reach her at www.risagabrielle.com / insta: @risa_gabrielle Leave a great review and win a free 121 coaching session... If you enjoy the show, please do subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favourite podcast app and leave a 5 star review. It helps spread the well-being message and allows more passionate people learn how to create mindful businesses. Every month one reviewer will get the chance to win a free 121 wellness coaching session. www.alifemoremindful.com