Ep 220 // Women's Health & Lifestyle Medicine with Dr Sally Bell

The Movement, Strength & Play Podcast - A podcast by School of Calisthenics - Wednesdays

Our favourite doctor is back on the podcast for the third time - a record! Dr Sally Bell is a private GP with over 20+ experience and using lifestyle medicine to change the lives of her patients. . She is specialising in women's health and we explore in this podcast why and how that has come about as well as why women's health hasn't previously had the individual attention it requires... but that's all changing now with Dr Sally Bell's new Women's health specific online platform www.doctorsallywomens.health . We hope you enjoy this fascinating conversation as much as we did and if you would like to make contact with Dr Sally Bell we recommend following the links below. . LINKS MENTIONED Get 15% off DR Sally Bell course with code: SC15DRSALLYPMCOURSE CLICK HERE - https://courses.doctorsallywomens.health/a/2147508134/umnz2rXq . www.instagram.com/drsallybell . www.instagram.com/drswomenshealth