#61 LIVE at ASME 2024 - Getting Realist with New Medical Schools—8C’s for Success
The PAPERs Podcast - A podcast by Jason Frank, Jonathan Sherbino, Linda Snell & Lara Varpio & PAPERs Podcast Crew - Tuesdays

#61 LIVE Session – Getting Realist with New Medical Schools—8C’s for SuccessBut how are new medical schools successfully established?You would think this Herculean institution-building would induce a large body of literature about med-school-making but there is a big gap in the literature. In fact, the authors of today’s paper assert that there is little published empirical evidence to date, nor any theory brought to bear on this phenomenon. The authors chose a Critical Realist lens and Institutional Entrepreneurship theory to design this study.Episode host: Jason FrankYou find the episode notes on the Papers Podcast websiteEpisode article: Kirubakaran, S., Kumar, K., Worley, P., Pimlott, J., & Greenhill, J. (2024). Establishing new medical schools in diverse contexts: A novel conceptual framework for success. Medical Education, n/a(n/a). PAPERs Podcast consists ofHosts: Lara Varpio, Jason Frank, Jonathan Sherbino, Linda SnellTechnical Producer: Samuel LundbergWeb Manager: Alex AlexanderssonExecutive Producer: Teresa SöröProduction of Teaching and Learning at Karolinska Institutet