Healthier habits to maximise performance with Professional Performance Nutritionist, Dr James Morehen #8

The Perfect Athlete Podcast - A podcast by Chris Billam-Smith

Extracting every ounce of performance from our bodies takes a measured approach to nutrition. Working with data, analysis, and an understanding of both good and bad habits all form the basis of understanding how best to fuel the body.As a professional performance nutritionist who’s worked with me for a number of years now, NutritionX’s Dr James Morehen has observed first-hand the need for a personal approach to nutrition. He weighs in on making gradual changes to habits as opposed to imposing sudden ‘diets’, and the risk that comes with top athletes relying on CBD products.In this episode we cover:The personal approach to nutritionSustainable dietsGradual shifts in habitsHow traditionally ‘unhealthy’ foods can actually be healthyAdapting the nutritional approach to the demands of different sportsCalculating how best to lose weight and increase muscle massThe best supplements to take right nowPotential pitfalls for CBD productsPerfect Athlete is sponsored by Podcast Labs, full-service podcast production and marketing agency. Find out more at and references at:

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