92: Detecting Burnout Early & Regaining Peak Performance

The Perimenopause Podcast - A podcast by Vandghie Badenhorst


Make sure to download my free Energy Restore Kit here to assess your burnout risk and get practical recommendations to get rid of fatigue, overwhelm and burnout and get back to PEAK PERFORMANCE... Burnout, fatigue and overwhelm is common among high performing women.  It's crucial to recognize the symptoms of fatigue before burnout makes it's home in your life. In this episode, I focus on: The 5 most common symptoms experienced by women in business: Fatigue and even burnout Anxiety Low mood or depression Weight gain, specifically around the midsection Bloating Stress is the leading cause of chronic illness. Chronically elevated cortisol levels due to constant stress can lead to a domino effect of health problems. However, stress is also an important aspect of business growth. We need stress to push ourselves and avoid complacency. The key is to have a recovery plan in place to manage stress and prevent burnout. When we experience stress without a recovery plan, our bodies are impacted in 5 major areas: Hormones (disrupted by high cortisol, leading to issues like low progesterone and testosterone) Inflammation in the gut and brain (contributing to anxiety, brain fog, and low mood) Decreased liver function and increased toxicity (leading to weight gain and fatigue) Decreased thyroid function and neurotransmitters (causing fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating) These issues can then lead to burnout, adrenal fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic conditions. It's important to address all of these affected areas to regain vitality. This can be done through stacking micro habits, which are small, easy-to-implement changes that can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. 4 Micro Habits to Help Prevent Burnout: Have breakfast within an hour of waking up, ideally containing protein. This helps regulate blood sugar and prevent cortisol spikes. Never have coffee or caffeine on an empty stomach. This can lead to major cortisol spikes and disrupt hormone regulation. End your day with a balanced dinner that includes some complex carbohydrates. This helps stabilize blood sugar and prepare your body for sleep. Master your sleep by going to bed before 10 pm whenever possible. Quality sleep is essential for cell repair and rejuvenation. Make sure to download my free Energy Restore Kit here to assess your burnout risk and get practical recommendations to get rid of fatigue, overwhelm and burnout and get back to PEAK PERFORMANCE... Subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating or review to help spread the message. Share this episode with women in your life who might benefit from this information. The episode transcript is available on the podcast website.