308. Virgo Season Energy Forecast: No Pity Parties
The Playground - A podcast by Shanila Sattar

Virgo Season does not entertain pity parties; Get real with yourself and make big girl decisions to have a breakthrough. Reflections and complaints run a very thin line, so it's up to you to notice where you stand with that. Get a mentor. Organize your projects. Receive guidance. Challenge your growth. Be consistent. ⭐ Discover your healer archetype: https://www.alwaysplay.org/healerarchetype ⭐ ⭐ Free community for healing arts practitioners: https://tinyurl.com/playground222 __________ ⭐ Study breathwork with me: https://www.flowbreathworktraining.com ⭐ Self-love mentorship waitlist: https://flowbreathwork.myflodesk.com/loved __________ 📖 My breathwork Book: https://flowbreathworktraining.com/orderbreathe __________ 💃🏽 About Shanila: I'm your mentor in the healing arts, founder of AlwaysPlay Studios and Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, supporting you in becoming an empowered and embodied practitioner in the healing arts.