115: How OG P&PA Coach Kate Johnson Progressively Overloaded Her Business (and become the pre/postnatal coach at Street Parking)

The Practice Brave Podcast - A podcast by Brianna Battles - Wednesdays

Kate Johnson joins me today as we talk about her story as an OG Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach. She shares how she progressively overloaded her business and offers and ultimately end up as a pre/postnatal coach for Street Parking. From finishing the cert while waiting in the daycare pickup line, to offering seminars and virtual consults, Kate found what works for her life and her circumstances in using the P&PA cert in her business. Listen to hear how to play the long game and what opportunities can and will arise with the P&PA cert. Join us for a FREE workshop on April 18; Strategies for Coaching Pregnant + Postpartum Athletes (Going Beyond Exercise Modifications and Generic Guidelines) ---> briannabattles.com/workshop