The Quiet Life Episode 20: Your Voice Matters with Lynn Tabbara

The Quiet Life - A podcast by Just Breathe

On this weeks episode Michael talks to Lynn Tabbara, TEDxCoventGardenWomen Curator and Intaliqi Co-Founder. This is a beautiful and vulnerable conversation between friends, as Lynn speaks openly about growing up feeling as though she didn't belong, how this has shaped the way she works and the importance of creating opportunities for quieter and less privileged voices to be heard both on and off stage.

Lynn is the organiser of TEDx Covent Garden Women Organiser, an event that deals with questions of gender and identity as well as the Co-Founder of Intaliqi, a platform that gives a voice to socially disadvantaged women by stripping away limiting labels and stereotypes. Intaliqi's supports Palestine women refugees, Lebanese women and teenage mothers, providing aid for the opening of a girl's school and to support providing  education to young displaced Syrian women. To find out more about both of these projects follow @intaliqi and @tedxcgw