s1/e34 Carbs, Glycogen, & Carb-Loading with Holley Samuel, RD, MEd, CPT (@fitcookienutrition)

The Running Explained Podcast - A podcast by Elisabeth Scott

My guest this week is Sports Dietician Holley Samuel, MEd, RD, CPT (@fitcookienutrition) and we're talking about CARBS!! How do carbs work in our body compared to other fuel sources? Where do carb cravings come from? What is glycogen & how do glycogen stores work? Glycogen-depletion runs Post-run refueling strategies "Carb-Loading" in preparation for a long run or a race Carbs & blood sugar Considerations for runners with diabetes "Healthy eating" masking disordered eating (orthorexia) How to calculate YOUR carb needs as a runner! Holley Samuel is a dietitian, personal trainer, master of education & eating disorders, and podcaster at her virtual practice Fit Cookie Nutrition. Holley works with runners and helps them learn to fuel their bodies without restriction, make peace with food, and prevent injuries to become stronger and faster runners for life. Fit Cookie Nutrition on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitcookienutrition  Fit Cookie Nutrition Website: https://www.fitcookienutrition.com