s1/e39 "Runner's Stomach" & GI Issues with Meghann Featherstun, RD (@featherstonenutrition)
The Running Explained Podcast - A podcast by Elisabeth Scott
GI DISTRESS!! Why does it happen at the WORST times? How to figure out what's causing the issue? Sports Dietitian Meghann Featherstun (@featherstonenutrition) joins the show to talk about... What happens to our gastrointestinal tract/digestion when we run What are common causes of GI distress when running? Assessing fiber intake The role dehydration plays in GI issues Why osmolality matters in race fueling Different types of run fueling & how they're different GI issues and your menstrual cycler Sugar alcohols Running with IBS or Crohn's "Do I need to go on an elimination diet to figure out the problem?" How to keep a food diary to track GI issues How to carb-load; simple carbs or complex carbs? Get your FREE Carb-Loading Guide! Meghann on Instagram: @featherstonenutrition Meghann Featherstun, MS, RD, is a sports dietitian, wellness coach, runner, wife, mom of two little kiddos, and a full-blown nutrition geek/running freak. Her passion is helping people find their own personal balance of nutrition and fitness in their busy lives. For the last 13 years, she hasbeen working with people to help them find their happy place with nutrition, exercise, body composition and life! Website: featherstonenutrition.com