Cold Calling's Not Dead...It's Just Harder! | Gabe Lullo - 1730

The Sales Evangelist - A podcast by Donald Kelly


You made five hundred cold calls in one day. In four hundred calls, no one answered, and in another fifty, the potential clients said a hard no. In twenty-five calls, you received maybes; in the last twenty-five calls, the potential buyers said yes. With you making so many calls in one day, you figured more people would say yes. This is why so many sales representatives believe cold calling is dead. Bust, honestly, it’s not. It’s just the old methods of cold calling are dead. In this episode of “The Sales Evangelist Podcast,” host Donald Kelly speaks with guest Gabe Lullo about the new cold calling techniques. Gabe shares his expertise and insights on cold calling, sales strategies, and staying relevant in the ever-evolving sales landscape. Discover the importance of relevant messaging, personalization, human touch, and effective communication in this insightful episode. Is Cold Calling Dead? Addressing the prevalent debate, Gabe firmly asserts that cold calling is far from dead. Supported by data and real-life experience, he emphasizes the effectiveness of cold calling in qualification, call-to-action, and appointment setting, debunking the myths surrounding its relevance in the current sales environment. Modern Sales Approach Gabe stresses the importance of an omnichannel approach, integrating call, email, and social platforms to establish meaningful and relevant connections with prospects.  He emphasizes the need for high-volume activity paired with a relevant message, highlighting the power of personalization and the human touch in driving engagement. Strategies for Relevant Messaging Gabe delves into the nuances of crafting relevant messaging, emphasizing the importance of relevance over mere personalization.  He shares insights on identifying and leveraging data providers to tailor messages according to the prospects’ specific verticals and ICPs, and the significance of using technology for optimizing communication channels. The Role of Human Touch and Empathy The conversation explores how human touch, empathy, and personalized, relevant communication set sales professionals apart in the current market.  Gabe emphasizes the need to sound like a human, not an AI bot, illustrating how to engage prospects effectively and foster genuine connections. Optimizing Sequencing Gabe challenges the traditional sequence approach, advocating for a burst of activities across multiple channels rather than drawn-out, segmented sequences.  He highlights the significance of engagement and conversation to drive effective communication, emphasizing the need to adapt and modernize sales strategies. Mastering the Cold Call Gabe shares valuable insights into mastering the art of cold calling, stressing the need for extensive training and knowledge of objection handling.  Understanding and anticipating objections empowers sales professionals to navigate conversations effectively and win at cold calling. In this power-packed episode, Gabe provides invaluable insights into the world of cold calling and contemporary sales strategies. Listeners gain practical strategies for staying relevant, fostering engagement, and mastering the art of cold calling in the ever-evolving sales landscape. Remember, cold calling isn't dead, and with the right approach,  it remains a critical tool in the modern sales professional's arsenal. Discover how to use cold calling the right way in this TSE Podcast episode.  “Well, first off, cold calling is absolutely not dead. And I don't come to these calls with opinions because I think opinions are not really valuable. I come with data and stats, right? Our reps are making tens of thousands of phone calls per day. And we have a lot of close friends who have very large organizations in which we've built their in-house teams or at least assisted. And so we know what they're doing, too. Thousands of data points and calls have shown us that the phone is still the ultimate weapon for qualification, getting a call to action, and getting an appointment on the calendar.” - Gabe Lullo.  Resources Gabe Lullo on LinkedIn Sponsorship Offers This episode is brought to you in part by Hubspot. With HubSpot sales hubs, your data tools and teams join a single platform to close deals and turn prospects into pipelines. Try it for yourself at 2.            This episode is brought to you in part by LinkedIn. Are you tired of prospective clients not responding to your emails? Sign up for a free 60-day trial of LinkedIn Sales Navigator at 3.            This episode is brought to you in part by the TSE Sales Foundation. Improve your connection on LinkedIn and land three or five appointments with our LinkedIn prospecting course. Go to the Credits As one of our podcast listeners, we value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. Complete our two-minute survey here: We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, or Spotify. Audio provided by Free SFX, Soundstripe, and Bensound. Other songs used in the episodes are as follows: The Organ Grinder written by Bradley Jay Hill, performed by Bright Seed, and Produced by Brightseed and Hill.