Food as Medicine with Dr. Khush Mark PhD
Weight Loss for Life - A podcast by Keri and Dr. Matthea at The WLCC

When it comes to nutrition, we often find ourselves looking externally for the answers we want. The reality is that we really have to start listening to our bodies a lot more than we do. What the studies show will continue to change, and new diets will continue to emerge. No one has the perfect answer and there is not one diet out there that is designed specifically for your body. It’s about learning to listen and trust your own body's wisdom.In this episode, we are joined by a very special guest, Dr Khush Mark PhD, who is the founder of the New School of Nutrition in London who believes that nutrition is not just about what you eat, but also how you eat it, where you eat it and what your body does with the food.We cover a range of topics, including:Brown fat, white fat and leptin resistanceProtein intake and plant-based proteinsGluten free dietsMeal replacement productsHunger hormonesBlood sugar levelsAnd much more!Quotes09:48 - “Diets are always there. People see diets as restrictive, and as temporary. Until they achieve that goal, then they can come off it and go crazy again. And really, it never works.”21:38 - “Food is like a form of love, isn't it? So why would you restrict something that actually is making you feel better and making you feel loved?”38:26 - “As a nutritional therapist, we really do believe that autoimmune conditions stem from the gut. So if you can support the gut, if you can heal the gut, we can reduce the symptoms.”43:16 - “It's not just food. It's also our diet of the books we read, the TV we watch, the people we listen to, our friendship circle, it's everything. It's not just the food on our plate, it's beyond that.”47:31 - “It's so much better to do two lots of 15-minute walks than one walk of 45 minutes. That helps regulate your blood sugar after a meal.”Time Stamps00:45 - Khush shares her background and her journey to nutritional therapy and becoming the founder of the New School of Nutrition in London.7:03 - They discuss how diets have changed over the years and how we evolve our own biochemical individuality.12:22 - Khush discusses the link between brown fat, white fat and leptin resistance.15:41 - We hear Khush’s philosophy on nourishing your body through nutrition and optimal wellbeing when it comes to food intake.19:01 - Khush answers a member's question: “how much protein should I get?”26:35 - Matthea asks what some good sources of plant-based protein are.30:40 - We learn how often we should be getting hungry.34:11 - Khush gives us her thoughts on meal replacement products.37:30 - Khush discusses gluten-free diets.42:32 - We find out why we need to look at the whole picture and not just food.44:58 - Khush gives us her take on the hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin and tells us what we can do with food and nutrition to support them.48:48 - Khush gives us two top tips for someone working on nutrition or trying to support themselves better.51:34 - Khush tells us where you can connect with her and find her work.Read more + connect with Khush: