Self love at any weight
Weight Loss for Life - A podcast by Keri and Dr. Matthea at The WLCC

As women, we’re surrounded by TV ads telling us to treat ourselves to a bubble bath, indulge in some nice chocolate, or go for a massage. This is such a huge misconception of what self-love is because these are great things for us to be doing for ourselves anyway. It’s promoting the outsourcing of our self-love and all of our self-care, when really this should be coming from within.The concept of self-love can be uncomfortable for many women, especially if it’s associated with vanity and egotism. However, true self-love is nothing like that.In this episode, Keri explains why self-love is essential for losing weight sustainably and reveals 5 ways you can start loving yourself today.To read the full show notes for this episode, Quotes1:37 - “It is absolutely essential to really integrate and start changing the thought patterns around how you think about yourself in order to help you lose the weight sustainably and keep it off.”03:03 - “No matter what you've done that you perceive to be wrong or bad, you still extend that kindness out to yourself. You make yourself a priority no matter what.”06:55 - “This is a core skill in weight loss, to really start changing your relationship with yourself, so you don't get into that state where you feel so bad that the only option for you is to emotionally eat your way through that.”11:42 - A lot of this lack of self-love can be driven by shame, by guilt, by fear-based beliefs.Audio Stamps01:58 - Keri discusses what ‘self-love’ can mean to different people.02:55 - We learn about self-love in the form of extending kindness to yourself.03:19 - We find out how women have a tendency to focus on others and deprioritize themselves.05:03 - How self-love comes in the form of acknowledging strengths and balancing out negativity.07:08 - How to make the space to have your wants and needs met.07:56 - We discover the importance of setting boundaries.10:00 - We find out what happens when the self-love tank is running low.13:03 - Keri shares an analogy to help us reframe our thought patterns.13:58 - Keri gives you an exercise to raise awareness as to where you're at right now and encourages you to find a different way forward.