Episode 16- Perfect Warm - Ups

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Searching out your perfect warm-up? I've got your back friend! Your warmup is your ritual, a way of preparing your body for what is coming next and to tell it "it's time to perform!!" Dialing in your warm-up doesn't have to be difficult! In this episode, I hand you a link to my favorite 14 exercises in PDF (and video ) for FREE (see below) and I cover WHY I think each is helpful. Don't worry, I gave a few extras in case you don't have the tools or a tree nearby to string your suspension system.) I also hit up my own warm-up tricks when I am waiting for my climbing partner. Who. Is. Always. Late. (to my benefit!!) So for the tools, I use your bodyweight, some small tools, and some nylon webbing (that you sew into straps). Or buy a TRX like setup that you can wrap over a tree branch, or hang from the first bolt. Keep it affordable, use it like mad! This weeks episode covers the stages of your warm-up that will help the MOST in addition to making your warmup as climbing-specific as possible. Think shoulders, hands and core. For this I love beginning with core (hips, legs and shoulders) and jumping in to finger specific warmups. Did I mention I'm having a workshop coming up ($55) on using various tools for warm-up, finger specific recruitment and stability drills. Check it out at climbinginjuriessolved.com/hand-stability-spotlight This week we hit: >> What is Adam Ondra doing for his warm-ups? >> Why hangboard isn't a good warm-up >> What sports medicine research says about warmups? >> Why pulley injuries don't necessarily occur from bad warmups >> Tried and true exercises from my college coach >> What we are trying to gain from our efforts >> Where easy climbing comes in >> And more! See you next week, same great time, same great place! Get access to my FREE 14 favorite warmup exercises through climbinginjuriessolved.com/warmup