Episode 21 MINI: What to do About Pain & Stiffness In The Back Of The Hand & Fingers

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Do you suffer from pain or stiffness in the back of the hand and fingers? Join Dr. Lisa for Episode 21 of a current patient, symptoms and care, and guidance for this strange tension based syndrome that (spoiler alert) ends with great results. Climbers are predisposed to adhesions, or scar tissue that adheres the skin to the gliding structures beneath the skin (think tendon, fascia and muscle). In today's episode (a MINI because I am on vacation Climbing in Moab!), we hit up many topics that can clear up the stiffest of hands. In Today's Episode: >> Learn what adhesions are >> Learn why adhesions form >> How are climbers predisposed >> Research on hand adhesions (and pain) >> Test out a self-care "tester" session >> Learn guided recommendations (how much, how often, with what) >> Graston, Guasha, Wavetool, and Armaid discussed >> And more! I'm excited to give you concrete guidance in which the test is also the treatment. If you test this out, and notice great results, it is your recommended homework. Happy Spring Break. Make sure to LIKE this episode if you enjoyed it and please share it with a friend if you think it might help them! We are stronger as a team! Also, check out my latest youtube video (@thelcimbingdoc) on how to use the WaveTools Therapy Arete on this area for best results. 30 seconds, once a week, thats seriously all it takes for many symptoms to go away (IF it is adhesion/scar tissue related). Test this out and see if it helps! See you next week. same great time, same great place! XX, Dr. Lisa