Episode 30: The Covid Liver MINI Special

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Did you get covid? Are you coming back to climbing and wondering how best to support your body with your rehab and self-care? Today's mini special (14 minutes!!) is focused on my personal experience with covid, what to understand about training and rehab while recovery or with long covid, and the liver/kidney support (and prevention) that you need to be aware of. We discuss: >> Viral hepatitis, liver and kidney stresses >>Alcohol, water and caffeine consumption during/post covid >> What NSAIDS are broken down by the liver and kidneys >> Current support and recommendations that are dietary >> Burning legs, fatigue or pumped out arms that are new >> Other factors to be aware of to recover from your injury post covid. I hope you join me if you are currently recovering from covid, have long covid, or want to follow along with what I am currently dealing with. Sending a High-5 your way!! Dr. Lisa book a visit or learn more at climbinginjuriessolved.com