Un-Sprained Epiode 21: Newbie Love! 5 Newbie Lessons I Wished I'd Learned Earlier.
Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

In a sport that is exploding such as rock climbing, chances are you are either a newbie, or you are climbing next to one at the gym or crag. This episode is focused on what I wish I knew as a newbie, and as guidance for those who are currently supporting or cheering on a new climber. We are only as strong as our weakest link. And a new climber needs to understand their skills, and their level of learning far surpass their grade. Join along as we hit the following hard topics: >>What should newbies be focusing on for training? >>How quickly should a new climber progress through the grades? >> What should you be recommending for a new climber to focus on? >> What skill sets are important for a new climber? >> What tools should a new climber buy (or borrow) to begin learning important self-care techniques? >> Why chasing grades can be dangerous and a set-back >> Why working on your weaknesses is the best (and hardest) goal >> Why core matters more than finger strength >> And more! Join me for my big 5 recommendations that I WISH someone had TOLD ME and my action plan for building any newbie (even yourself) up with a big beautiful base. We are an injured, unhealed sport, join me for a discussion and comparison with football, track and field (sprinting) and tennis. I'd rather see you at the crag or the gym than in my clinic. Share this episode with your injured or newbie friends and please add any recommendations YOU wish YOU had been given when you were new ;-) See you next week, same great time, same great place!! XX, Dr Lisa