Un-Sprained Episode 23: 5 Exercises For Shoulder Stability
Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Today we hit up the shoulder. There is SO much to cover in terms of pain and rehab, but today, I hit my 5 exercises to help YOU become injury free. We hit up theraband exercises specifically for the scapula (the shoulder blade) and discuss WHY you should be pulling with it instead of your fingers. Join me for exercises that mimic climbing as much as possible for aretes, clipping that draw, reaching to that next hold, climbing overhangs, and much more. Check out my website for free resources at climbinginjuriessolved.com/learn-with-lisa for building some momentum in your climbing. All the exercises will soon be up at climbinginjuriessolved.com/shoulder I'm honored you listened today! Leave me a like or share with a friend to help spread the good vibes?!