Un-Sprained S1 Episode 5: Possible reasons for covering your "issue" with tape.

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Lisa goes cuckoo for Leukotape C for finger pain. We discuss what happens when finger stability taping doesn't work over a joint, say for an A3 pulley, and why we can correct for poor finger performance in climbing with brain training exercises for our fingers using (you guessed it) tape. Join me for the discussion of the merits and weaknesses of climbers tape, buddy taping for injuries, and the new bonuses we have learned with research! Tape is not only for stability of finger injuries, but for injury control, inflammation, proprioception, retraining motor control, and of course, for looking cool... Or did I get that in the wrong order? A heads up on my #MarshallFire Fundraiser. Did you decide to join me for my finger lecture yet? https://bit.ly/339N4li In Episode 5, rehab meets the big 3, Swiss taping, H taping, and X taping. We discuss the needed but overused buddy taping, and why it doesn't fit into your routine for training for climbing. Did I mention brightly colored finger weights? What's up with that, and more on this weeks episode of Un-Sprained. If you like it. Share it! Now wherever you find your podcasts. Get more info and links from todays podcast with climbinginjuriessolved.com/climbing-tape