Un-Sprained S1 Episode 8: Returning to Climbing after Finger Fractures.

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

A discussion of snow, down coats, finger fractures and Meyer & Schoffl's new return to climbing guidelines for youth finger fractures. We get down into the nitty gritty on warm-ups, returning to rock climbing after fracture, and what you should make of your doctors surgery recommendations. See what we're talking about here. http://bit.ly/3tw49Qo Additional Support: 1. Follow my phase 1 acute training plan (google sheets) http://bit.ly/3UDaENk 2. Have you joined me for my finger spotlight yet? https://bit.ly/339N4li 3. Unloading that injury checklist: https://bit.ly/3g67iU1 4. When lost consider booking an e-visit: https://bit.ly/3X3QygY