UnSprained Episode 18- 3 Big Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Hangboarding On An Injured Finger.
Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

We all love hang boarding but for many, it causes disaster in already injured and unhappy fingers. Many of you have asked about training plans that specifically require hangboarding on an injured finger or hand. And this my friend, is the scientific and medically backed podcast of WHY you SHOULDN'T. I didn't know either until I spoke specifically with the best hand docs in the nation and looked at films with them to learn what this does to our hands. And it totally does something we DON'T want with the tiny advantages that in my mind, don't outweigh the downsides of rapid degeneration and damage that is...irreparable. So learn with me so you have the knowledge to make your own decisions. Because sometimes we have to make these decisions, and it's worth it. And sometimes, hang boarding just is a big risk. We are all at a different place, and that is oK! So to answer your question, "Should I modify my hang boarding or stop while I heal?!" Not to worry my friend, we hit this and more on today's episode 18 of Un-Sprained. Join me on today's episode to learn WHY you shouldn't hang board on a finger injury as I give you better options instead. Hang-boarding is often the final step in speeding you through the phases of tendon degeneration, known as tendonosis. Listen today for my 3 BIG hitters, and my 3 big recommendations to hit up in your action plan. Today we hit up: >> Scar tissue >> Pain sensors >> Bad repair jobs >> Loading a healing tissue, and what it does >> The Phases of Tendonosis >> What pain means >> Learned bad habits your body acquires in loading through pain >> Action plan guidance for what you can implement today >> And much more! Join me for this MUST listen episode to learn WHY your climbing coach might be wrong and what you can do about it today. I make sure to give you Action Steps for your self-care and your self-observation that will change your outcome BIG TIME. Finally become injury free and join me to learn these 3 big reasons WHY you should wait until that injury heals. I respect your coach, I just want to give you tools and teachings of tendon healing principles that they might not know. Let's all learn together with information that is easy to understand and implement today. I ALSO give you 3 big tips of what you should be doing instead. If you like today's episode, you will also like episode 4: Giving the Bird Some Attention, Episode 9- Crafting your action list for pulley ruptures, and my favorite episode: Time Off, 3 Steps to correctly unload your injury. See you soon! Same great time same great place next week! XX, Dr. Lisa