Unsprained Episode 27 Fuel For The Send, Climbing Tired, Hungry & Heart Starved?
Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

I don’t know about you, but often I find myself struggling between trying to have the right weight to strength ratio, and the side effects that come with that, fatigue, slow healing, increased stress, anxiety? Does this sound like you? If you are nodding your head, felt yourself take a deep breath in, or even felt a wave of teariness, this episode is for you. Often climbers fall into the trap of trying to lose weight but keep that strength (or even gain MORE strength) while at the same time pushing harder and harder. Symptoms might appear, Physically, emotionally, or hormonally that can be a sign that you are training, or climbing, too hard. Especially for your level of nutrient intake. And we call this REDS- which we will get to later. So perhaps as a community, as training buddies, we could get smarter, perhaps even more curious about how our bodies work and WHAT exactly, we put into our bodies to allow us to be better all around. The goal is to have that perfect nutrient mix, while supporting our bodies as they respond to the stess and the load that we apply to them. I’ve invited a guest on for today, a special brilliant person who I think can help answer these questions (and a whole lot more). I’d like to welcome Marisa Michael, a registered dietary nutritionist and a board certified specialist in sports dietetics (pronounced di-uh-teh-tuhks). When she’s not educating, she’s been known to be a super mom to a bunch of competitive youth climbers. So today, we catch up with Marissa to ask all the questions we are dying to know especially as they relate to recovery healing and injury prevention. Today we discuss fascinating topics including: >> Gatorade personalized sweat tests >> Losing weight to climb strong >> How fractures can occur from diet mistakes >> The RED-S syndrome >> The female and male athlete triad long term effects >> How to bust out of body dysmorphia and REDS-S >> Does eating fat make you fat? >> Protein intake for the send, food for indoor vs competition climbing >> And MUCH much more! Join us for a MUST LISTEN podcast with the author of Nutrition for Climbers, a researcher, SuperMom and positive problem solver. Listen to learn why and what you can do to better your health by eating healthy foods and lots of them. Regardless of your weight goals. This is the first guest on the show, we would LOVE to know what you think!!! Leave a comment!! It appears our two worlds overlap greatly!