Unsprained Episode 32- Solving Numbness, TOS And Supinator Syndrome. Free Handout.

Un-Sprained - A podcast by Dr. Lisa Brin

Wondering what your numbness is all about? Today we delve into blunt injuries, nerve trauma, and those nerve symptoms that come from upstream (think elbow, shoulder or neck). Topics Hit: >> Finger Compression Injuries >> Blunt "Wacks" on the rock >> Numbness from swelling vs. nerve damage >> Common causes of numb fingers in climbers >> Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in Climbers (TOS) >> Stretches and homecare for TOS >> Shoulder vs. Neck related finger numbness >> When to consult a doc about your numbness >> When numbness becomes permanent >> Maintenance vs Management of Numbness Scenarios >> Patient examples (which have healed) >> Suggested homework for each scenario This is the initial discussion of numbness and where it might be stemming from. You MIGHT NEED A DOC to look over your case to ensure you aren't going to have a permanent situation. We hit up how often and how long you should expect to be feeling these symptoms and that they should be getting better, less frequent and less symptomatic with use. When in doubt, pack it up and see a provider. Did I mention I have a FREE handout for mobility and unloading of neck pain and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (the most common cause of finger numbness in climbers at my clinic). Check out these FREE exercises and get an example of a guided rehab program with one click. CLIMBINGINGJURIESSOLVED.COM/32