#29. [INTERVIEW] Build your anxiety toolkit ft. Lucy J. Smith (Stand Up To Anxiety)
Your Social Anxiety Bestie - A podcast by Sadie
Learn about morning and evening routines for anxiety, and start to build your anxiety toolkit! This episode was originally an Instagram Live interview I did with Lucy. Check out the video version here! ***Update after recording: Lucy just launched a BRAND NEW STAND UP TO ANXIETY DAILY JOURNAL! https://lucyjsmith.com/journal/*** Tune into to hear Lucy answer these questions... 1. Can you tell us what your anxiety management mentorship looks like? 2. Early in your book, you wrote about how scary it was to reach out to a doctor for help with your mental health when you didn't know what you were dealing with. Can you talk to us about that? 3. In your book, you talk about driving anxiety, and how you had a near-accident during one of your practice sessions. But you kept practicing. Can you talk to us about that incident, and how you managed to push through? 4. A big part of your book is about developing healthy morning and evening routines. What do your routines look like these days? 5. Can you talk to us about your anxiety toolkit? Does it go beyond morning and evening routines? 6. What advice would you give to someone who wants to build their own anxiety toolkit? Thank you so, so much Lucy @lucyjsmith_26 for this heartwarming and encouraging conversation! To learn more about Lucy's inspiring journey, check out her account @lucyjsmith_26 or her podcast Stand Up To Anxiety. Be sure to check out her super accessible, easily digestible book Stand Up To Anxiety and her BRAND NEW STAND UP TO ANXIETY DAILY JOURNAL! These show notes are also available here: https://yoursocialanxietybestie.com/episodes/29lucy