S2. E12. Social anxiety and intimacy with clinical psychologist Dr. Tynessa Franks
Your Social Anxiety Bestie - A podcast by Sadie

In today's episode, I talk to clinical psychologist Dr. Tynessa Franks about dating, weddings, marriage, and sex while socially anxious. We discuss these questions: Dating: What can we do if we want to date but social anxiety is holding us back? Wedding: What should we do if we’re terrified at the thought of our own wedding? Let’s say one partner wants a traditional wedding but the socially anxious partner is terrified by that idea. Marriage: How can social anxiety impact a healthy marriage? Sex: What are some ways sexual intimacy can be impacted by social anxiety, and what can we do about it? About Dr. Franks: Tynessa Franks is a clinical psychologist and self-defined "shy girl". She realized a strong passion for helping people who struggle with worrying too much about what other people think and started Bashful & Bright in 2019 with this mission at the forefront. She creates videos, conducts group psychotherapy, and teaches a comprehensive online course to help women and men improve their social anxiety so they can start showing up, speaking up, and engaging in social interactions in a way that feels good. You can catch her weekly tips for improving your social anxiety @DrTynessaFranks on YouTube and learn more about her work at bashfulandbright.com. Dr. Franks’ website: https://www.bashfulandbright.com/ Dr. Franks’ YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/DrTynessaFranks/ Links mentioned in the show: Virtual Social Anxiety Support Group on Meetup: https://imaginehealing.com/my-story-timothy-long/ The 36 Questions That Lead to Love: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/09/style/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html Submit questions and topics for future episodes here: https://forms.gle/iDu7AwWki7Rs475R8 Join the Social Anxiety Besties Club on Patreon! www.patreon.com/yoursocialanxietybestie Check out my “Videos mentioned on the podcast” playlist on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCq7hPWn3jm-XY6jTEGNPoQFBXH9Pesgs EXPERT RESOURCES FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY: https://www.ellenhendriksen.com/free-resources and https://www.bashfulandbright.com/