EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast

A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

805 Episodes

  1. Motivation & Expectations For Success, Kudos Harvard #325

    Published: 9/29/2021
  2. Another Strength Training Perspective / Follow Up / Tips #324

    Published: 9/28/2021
  3. North Carolina P/1 State Road Race; Best To Click YouTube Link Below

    Published: 9/27/2021
  4. Base For Juniors? And some housekeeping items. #320

    Published: 9/24/2021
  5. EVOQ Coach Interview: Alex Sankovic

    Published: 9/23/2021
  6. You Should Upgrade From Cat 4 / Anaerobic Contributions / Pre-Race Chat. It's Cat 4 Questions!!

    Published: 9/23/2021
  7. Off The Front Cycling Podcast! Got interviewed...Life before the bike to today

    Published: 9/21/2021
  8. Cycling Strength Training: Lifting Heavy By RPE!? Interview With Matthew Bickford, Strength Coach #316

    Published: 9/20/2021
  9. Things Change Quickly, Stay Current. A Preview To RPE Lifting

    Published: 9/19/2021
  10. Event Choices

    Published: 9/18/2021
  11. What do to in September & October?

    Published: 9/18/2021
  12. Going Easier. Not testing. More 3h rides. Power. Cyclocross. A lot. LET'S GO!!!! Ep. #313

    Published: 9/17/2021
  13. Anaerobic Capacity Explained

    Published: 9/16/2021
  14. Indoor Vs Outdoor; Intervals in the wild Or On A Specific Road? 🐱🐱🐱🐱

    Published: 9/15/2021
  15. Feel Like You Don't Belong On The Start Line? A lot of us get these nerves and negative thoughts...

    Published: 9/14/2021
  16. Who Should Ride Sweet Spot? An Intro. A lot gets covered here. 120%, 80%, LTD Ducks #309

    Published: 9/13/2021
  17. Don’t Obsess Over Z1. Srsly. Episode 308

    Published: 9/12/2021
  18. Don’t put a ceiling on where you’re going when you’re 4 years into this.

    Published: 9/11/2021
  19. Eating carbs doesn’t mean you aren’t burning fat.

    Published: 9/10/2021
  20. UK Race Report: Thinking about when you PEDAL can have such an impact on your result

    Published: 9/9/2021

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We are here to share our cycling training & racing experiences. Let's combine data analytics, IRL experience, physical and mental training, and see what happens! 🚀⚡️🥇 Check out our site: https://www.evoq.bike/ and the blog at www.evoq.bike/blog for a TON of free information to make you STRONGER and FASTER YouTube channel has a lot of videos also! https://linktr.ee/EVOQBIKE