EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast

A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

805 Episodes

  1. Cyrus Monk, EVO Pro Cycling, Cycling Coach, and Scientist: Cycling Training Interview

    Published: 2/22/2021
  2. Lifting Heavy During Cycling Race Season? When I Shift My Lifting During Cycling Training

    Published: 2/20/2021
  3. Is Lifting An “Intense Session”? Great Cat 4 Question!

    Published: 2/19/2021
  4. Notes From The Dojo: Shouldn't Have Stopped! The rolling interval window

    Published: 2/18/2021
  5. Setting FTP Off Short TTE? VO2Max Training Q? Open Forum: Submit Your Cycling Training Questions

    Published: 2/17/2021
  6. James Walsh: Gravel Racing, Cycling Training & Nutrition, Lifting For Cyclists, KJ Deep Efforts

    Published: 2/15/2021
  7. Good Day Mate; some easy, I mean SUPER EASY, optimizations for this guy to get faster

    Published: 2/14/2021
  8. Cycling Strength Training Discussion: FORCE Number for Deadlifts

    Published: 2/12/2021
  9. Kilojoules: Optimization To Get Faster, Without Adding Time To Cycling Training Schedule

    Published: 2/11/2021
  10. Future Reflections On James Walsh; He Made Me Realize How I Approached Gravel Worlds, 5th

    Published: 2/10/2021
  11. Getting Dropped From Surges: Address Aerobic or Anaerobic Contribution?

    Published: 2/9/2021
  12. Tyler Williams Interview: Legion of Los Angeles, Stress, Zwift Racing, Cycling Training, WATTS

    Published: 2/8/2021
  13. Endurance Stinger. For a PR?!

    Published: 2/6/2021
  14. Open Discussion Forum: Cycling Training, Cycling Tips, Sharing Cycling Knowledge; You Into This?

    Published: 2/5/2021
  15. Covid Race Planning, Question From The UK

    Published: 2/5/2021
  16. Notes From The Dojo, Ep 2: 2x20m, Almost Bailed; Chunking Interval Time; That Forest Again 🌲🪵

    Published: 2/4/2021
  17. Changing Gym Lifts, Improve Weakness or Double Down on Strengths? Cycling Schedule. Block 5 To Race!

    Published: 2/3/2021
  18. The First VO2Max Intervals...How's Your Neighbor's Grass?

    Published: 2/2/2021
  19. Frank Overton, FasCat Coaching: Cycling Training Tips, Athlete Mindset, Interval Training, Coaching!

    Published: 2/1/2021
  20. I Wish We Could Just Turn On A Winning Mindset. (Intervals.)

    Published: 1/31/2021

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We are here to share our cycling training & racing experiences. Let's combine data analytics, IRL experience, physical and mental training, and see what happens! 🚀⚡️🥇 Check out our site: https://www.evoq.bike/ and the blog at www.evoq.bike/blog for a TON of free information to make you STRONGER and FASTER YouTube channel has a lot of videos also! https://linktr.ee/EVOQBIKE